Gite Cleaning Policy

Gite Cleaning Policy

Our Cleaning Regime

Details of our Gite cleaning policy are below, however, if you have any questions please contact us directly.

In addition to our usual routine, we want you to know that even post Covid, in 2023 we are cleaning:

  • door handles, cabinet and wardrobe handles, remote controls, light switches, appliances and any ‘high traffic’ surface
  • surfaces are cleaned then disinfected
  • soft furniture, if possible, is steam cleaned

We provide:

  • hand gel
  • cleaning products which are environmentally friendly

We ask you:

  1. To strip your beds and place washing in the yellow sacks provided
  2. To fold the throws off the settee inwards and place in the yellow sack provided
  3. To disinfect the door handle before you leave and place the key on the inside of the lock

Thank you.

Cleaning checklist – La Grue Gites Cleaning Policy

  • Aerate the rooms before cleaning (for at least 20 minutes) . We try to leave the windows and doors open for at least an afternoon.
  • Wash hands before and after each stage of cleaning for at least 20 seconds.
  • Wear disposable gloves and a mask for cleaning toilets.
  • Clean cleaning equipment at the highest temperature possible each time after use.
  • Clean first, then disinfect.
  • Use environmentally friendly products.
  • Pay particular attention to often touched items – we have a separate check- list.
  • Do not forget soft furnishings – we use a steam cleaner when possible.
  • All washing to be at the highest temperature (90 degrees for bedding).
  • Empty the hoover after each cleaning session.
  • Check all products are within date.


Gite Cleaning Policy (3)

Consignes de ménage pour empêcher la propagation du COVID-19

There are lots of great opportunities surrounding La Grue Gites within our local area and local towns and beautiful countryside.

Contact us today with any questions you have and check out our location.

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